Applicants apply for the topics listed by the departments in the relevant study program.
The application form for doctoral studies is prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Slovak Republic: "Application for university studies, doctoral - third degree". It is available in specialized printing shops (ŠEVT) or on the Internet on the website of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic:
In the case of submitting an electronic application, it is necessary to print and submit the signed application together with the other attachments.
Submit the application to the address Technical University in Zvolen, T. G. Masaryka 24, 960 01 Zvolen or in person to the study department of the Technical University in Zvolen, TU main building in Zvolen, ground floor, no. door C 006.
Attachments to the application:
- certified photocopies of documents on completion of studies (university diploma, certificate of state examination, addendum to the diploma) - applicants who complete their engineering studies in a given year will provide documents of completion after graduation
- curriculum vitae
- copy of the proof of payment of the fee for the admission procedure - €35 electronic application)
- framework project on the topic of the dissertation
- list of professional and scientific works published so far
- verified certificate from international foreign language exams
- participation and success at conferences, competitions, student scientific professional activities (SSPA), authorship of discoveries or industrial designs and results of interesting activities will be indicated by the applicant separately on a special attachment
Pay the admission fee to the following account:
account name: Technical University Zvolen
bank: State Treasury, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15
account number: 7000271101
bank code: 8180
IBAN: SK19 8180 0000 0070 0027 1101
constant symbol: 0308
variable symbol: 81900004
(note: in the case of submitting an electronic application, the variable symbol will be generated by the system)
Contact for the study department:
Ing. Jana Weissová
tel: 045-5206503
email: jana.weissova [at]
Accredited program: Economics and management of the forestry-Wood complex
The study program is based on the acquisition of knowledge from the sectoral economy and management of forestry and the woodworking industry, management issues and the creative solution of informational, logistical and financial relations of both sectors, including analyzes of interactions with all components of the social environment within which the given sectors fulfill their functions. The prediction of the use of wood depends on the need for final products and the quality and quantity of available forest resources, which predetermines the need to acquire deep knowledge of marketing management and the issues of the wood trade market. The ecological principles of forest management are the second factor that determines the economy of production and capital investments in forestry projects and projects of efficient wood processing. The successful application of these principles to achieve the sustainable development of forestry and woodworking therefore also requires knowledge in the field of modeling the use of forest resources. Knowledge in the field of financing will enable a comprehensive and scientific solution to the problems of the development of forest reproduction concepts and the economically efficient use of forests and wood raw materials. A set of profiling subjects from the field of sectoral economics and management and a whole range of mandatory optional and optional subjects create prerequisites for the education of highly qualified economists and managers capable of mastering the scientific methods of research, evaluation, forecasting and planning the development of forestry and the woodworking industry.